How to Apply
For easy, clean and quick application, Lit products are designed for use with our Clearly Liquid Glitter Base™ and specially designed brushes. Application requires three simple steps:
3 Simple Steps

Step One
Dip brush into the Clearly Liquid Glitter Base™ bottle. Remove excess drops of liquid.
Psst... For a more sanitary application, pour a small amount of base into the lid then apply. Discard left over base in cap. This method will help avoid colour or product contamination to your Clearly Liquid Glitter Base™ bottle and keep it clean.

Step Two
On an angle, insert wet brush into loose colour, covering one side.
Remember... When dipping your wet brush into the glitter/loose colour, hold your brush on an angle, covering only one side of the brush, then paint on from the tip of the brush to the base using short strokes to guarantee proper coverage. This will allow for a controlled application thus preventing glitter from balling.

Step Three
Paint on or fan out, starting at the tip of the brush using short fast strokes for proper coverage.
Hint... Keep eyes half-open until product has dried to avoid transfer. May take 30-60 seconds depending on thickness and size of glitter. Alternative Drying Method: Use your blow dryer or hand fan to speed up drying time. After product has dried, tightness may occur but don't panic! Your lids will loosen up within 20 blinks - and now you're Lit, baby!
For Best Results

For best results, when using darker glitter colours and shimmers, apply over a dark makeup base for a more solid, professional look or for that perfect smoky eye appearance.

In contrast, for best results when using lighter glitter colours and shimmers, apply over a white or soft colour base for that subtle glamour appearance or to really make true colour pop! HINT: Artists paint on a white, not a skin coloured canvas, for true colour.

When applying shimmers, less is more! If a shimmer is applied too thick it will dry to a chalky look and lose the sparkle effect.

Using a fanning or lining technique over any base makeup can create an incredible array of looks. Lit can also be applied directly to the skin with no base makeup for that sultry glow.

Lit is compatible with all brands of false eyelashes. Simply apply lashes before glitter application. HINT: Lit can also be painted right on the false eyelash ridge above lashes.

For best results, apply Lit glitter colour prior to mascara application when applicable.

There is no age limit when it comes to Lit Cosmetics. FACT: Glitter actually hides lines! However, those with maturing skin should be cautious in using the metallic and electric varieties of colour as they can enhance the appearance of lines.

After applying Lit glitter colour, you may experience tightness of the eyelid. Remember to blink a few times as this will cause the product to loosen and feel weightless.

If the Clearly Liquid Glitter Base™ seeps into the eye simply sponge product out with a cotton swab/tissue or rinse eye out with water.

Overuse may cause irritation, if this occurs discontinue use for 4-5 days. If irritation persists consult your physician.